Changing Politics For Good

Allison Wild, 57, is a local business owner, married, with a family. She grew up on a Crown Estate farm on Exmoor, Somerset before moving to Toronto, Canada for primary school and spent the rest of her youth every year between both Commonwealth countries.

After studying Computer Science at the University of Toronto she moved to Florida, and then worked her way up to become the Director of Software Engineering at Dun & Bradstreet by the age of 23.

Allison moved to New England and won a scholarship to Brown University where she studied Russian Language & Literature graduating magna cum laude. Upon graduation she moved back to the farm in Somerset.  She worked in software engineering in the UK and in many countries in Europe before studying ethnopharmacology.

Allison moved to the area in 1991.  She completed an MSc. in Clinical Pharmacology at the University of Oxford with Distinction and then set up her own biosciences research company. She is an expert in EU cosmetic regulations for the cosmetics and skincare industry and works with hundreds of clients yearly ensuring their products are compliant with these regulations.

Allison volunteers as an NHS patient advocate locally, supports local animal charities, and regularly volunteers at animal shelters abroad.  Believing that education is one of the keys to prosperity and financial freedom, she helps to financially support two children in one of the poorest countries in South America, Bolivia, to enable them to attend school.

Allison regularly mentors teenagers interested in STEM careers.


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